Monday, September 27, 2010

Jasfriend1 Helps Out!

I thought I should give Jasfriend1 some credit! Here's his/her comment:

hello its jasfriend1 

im coming to your party 

field op 16 is out and so s the new treasure book 10

please give me credit

P.S. if you put my banner on your site iw will put your banner on my blog

thanks jasfriend1.

Thanks, Jasfriend1!
Idk if many people are coming to my party, but you can try!
Thanks for helping me out! 
I will now ur banner to my site!
Also, I'm pretty new to blogging, so can you tell me how to create a banner?
Enjoy the party on Saturday!!!


Computergeek000 said...

thanks for giving me credit here is how you make a banner

go to

they have the easiest site to make a banner

Computergeek000 said...

oh and i am a boy and i will have fun at your party

Computergeek000 said...

also typo for the party post

you wrote deets instead of dates

LisRox1127 said...

Deets are details. Anyways, thanks for helping out. (I tried putting the site for your banner on my gadgets and there are "illegal characters." Any way to help??)

Computergeek000 said...

oh you have to make a banner at that site tell me if you neeed any more help

Computergeek000 said...

or do you mean the html

Computergeek000 said...

Here are some steps

1. type n on your address bar

2.create a banner

3.put the html code on your html/javascript your settings happpy that your done

or 4 step way

1. meet me on club penguin at the iceberg on icicle at 5:30 eastern time

2. let me make a banner for you

3. put the html code on the gadget html/javascript

4. sit back and relax

P.S. i dint know that deets are details thanks for telling me or do you need something diffrent

Computergeek000 said...

clownybrowny there is a new community post

and could i join your blog

of if you have windows 7 you can use a tool called snipping tool it takes a picture of parts of your screen that you want

hope this helps jasfrend1

LisRox1127 said...

Sometimes I am very busy, so yes. You can help out with the blog. Make sure you are friendly, and correct with your work. You are a big Help!

LisRox1127 said...

Jasfriend1 --
I need your e-mail address so i can invite u 2 my blog.

I am completely safe, no worries.

Happy blogging!!

LisRox1127 said...

I will delete the message after i read it so nobody will see it.

LisRox1127 said...

for your safety. lol!