Sunday, October 3, 2010

Club penguin Store Upgrade!

Club Penguin has changed there layout for the Online Store they have. They’ve made it much easier to navigate through it is organized much better. Have a look:

They have also added brand new categories on the store. They have added Music, DVD’s and Music also Arts & Collectibles too. Does this mean they will have this soon?!


Australis08 said...
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Australis08 said...

Yeah umm, Where ARE the banners?

LisRox1127 said...

I tried to post the banner I made, but said it had illegal characters.

Computergeek000 said...

did you do it in the html gadget?

LisRox1127 said...


LisRox1127 said...

Got it! Check it out on the front page!

Computergeek000 said...

Hey clowny browny i cant help out that much anymore beacause i have to manage my blog, ok

Thanks jasfriend1